Self-Control - Part 4

This week we are continuing our talk about self-control.  Self-control is essential because if you don’t have self–control, other people or situations will control you. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said,

United Martial Arts Academy

Self-Control – Part 3

Begin by doing this exercise: look around your surroundings for 20 seconds. Then, look for as many things as possible that are RED color. Next, close your eyes. Tell someone all the
by Stephen
United Martial Arts Academy

Self-Control – Part 2

We need Self-Control; if we don’t learn to control our emotions, we say things and do things that can hurt other people.  Losing our temper and saying hurtful things is like
by Stephen
United Martial Arts Academy

Self-Control – Part 1

There are different ways to use self-control; there is physical control - how we learn to control our body, and there is mental control – how we learn to control
by Stephen